It’s Time for Dads To Get Sun Smart
Men are diagnosed with Melanoma at a much greater rate than women, with more than double the amount of Australian men dying from Melanoma each year. So it’s time for Australian men to get Sun Smart!
A new survey conducted in Victoria shows that most Victorians are unaware of men’s high melanoma risk, despite Australian men being more likely to be diagnosed with, and die from, the disease. In fact the Cancer Council Victoria survey has found just 27% of Victorian adults can correctly identify melanoma kills more men than women. Estimates from Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show the alarming rate of melanoma among Australian men set to increase.
In 2016, there were 1,281 deaths from melanoma skin cancer in Australia (863 males and 418 females). In 2018, it is estimated that this will increase to 1,905 deaths (1,331 males and 574 females).
SunSmart Manager Heather Walker said the number of men affected by melanoma was alarming.
"Every time you’re outdoors unprotected in the sun, your skin can be damaged by UV radiation. This damage adds up over your lifetime to increase your melanoma risk."
Ms Walker said men could help reduce this risk by building more sun protection habits into their daily routine.
"Using good sun protection and checking your own skin regularly for suspicious spots can help prevent melanoma diagnoses and deaths. So it’s crucial men know their risk and start taking action."
Ms Walker also urged men not to wait for summer to think about sun protection, as UV radiation reaches damaging levels throughout spring.
"We can’t see or feel UV radiation, but it can be just as damaging on a cool or cloudy day as a warm day with blue skies.
"Don’t wait for summer. Get your sun protection gear sorted now and check the sun protection times each day so you know when to use it.
"For the best defence, use a combination of covering clothing, sunscreen, a broad-brimmed hat, shade and sunglasses."
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