An Opportunity to Design for Sandy Feet Australia!
I’m very proud to introduce our Emerging Designer Program. Every year this program will offer one new Australian designer the opportunity to collaborate with Sandy Feet Australia to help create our new season swimwear. For our soon to be launched 2020/21 range we invited Brisbane based Surface Designer Tammy de Zilva to design our Men’s and Women’s rashies. I can’t wait to share the results with you.
About the Program
Some seriously creative talent is spilling from Australian design schools, yet far too often this local talent is under-utilised, and designers are forced to look to overseas markets to further their career.
One of the most common reasons is lack of opportunity. Design schools do a wonderful job honing creative skills, but without experience it’s difficult for an emerging designer to reach their potential. Our Emerging Designers Program is designed to provide an opportunity for designers to gain that real-world experience and showcase their talents here at home.
By working with Sandy Feet Australia in the development of our new range they have the opportunity to collaborate with brand managers in order to deliver on a brief, adapt designs for different materials and placements, prepare artwork for production and most importantly they will get to see their creation come to life.
Right now, it’s more important than ever to do business locally. For Sandy Feet Australia, I can’t think of a better way to do that than to commission new work from an exciting, up and coming, local designer. Starting this year, our Emerging Designer Program will offer one new Australian designer an exclusive opportunity to design their very own Sandy Feet mini collection.
This year we chose to collaborate with Brisbane based Surface Designer Tammy de Zilva. Tammy was already a fan of Sandy Feet Australia and we felt her retro-inspired designs were a great fit for our brand. I really enjoyed the opportunity to work with Tammy this year and I cannot wait to share with you her creations!
If you would like to collaborate with us next year, please let me know by expressing your interest to me anita@sandyfeetaustralia.com along with a link to your existing portfolio.
About Tammy de Zilva
Tammy de Zilva is the Surface Designer behind Loopla. She creates playful retro designs for both kids and adults, using bright bold colours. Her biggest goal is to bring to joy to others with her art.
Tammy completed a Certificate IV in Design and a Diploma in Surface Design through the International School of Colour Design (ISCD), and Bonnie Christine’s Surface Pattern Design Immersion course. She won two awards during her studies with ISCD – Porters Paints wallpaper design award and a Highly Commended Award.
For those of you that don’t know what Surface Design is, it’s any type of art created with the objective of applying it to a surface, such as textiles, wallpaper, stationary or homewares. This art could be a pattern, spot graphic, illustration, typography or even a combo of these.
Examples of Tammys work
Tammy works digitally and predominantly starts on her iPad Pro before taking the designs into Adobe Illustrator on her computer. She loves the flexibility of working digitally and being able to play with various colour palettes so easily.
Based in Brisbane with her husband and son, Tammy takes her inspiration from nature, everyday encounters and play with her son plus her extensive travels.
Family snap from a trip to Bintan, Indonesia
She especially loves collaborating with and supporting Australian businesses, plus was already a Sandy Feet customer so it was the perfect collaboration!
To find out more about Tammy and see her work visit loopla.com.au or you can find her on Instagram and Facebook.