This is Not The Time For Business As Usual
If anything is clear about the current circumstances we find ourselves in it is that it is anything but normal. We all will have different ways of dealing with these changes as individuals, families, businesses and as a community, but with one common thread that none of it is 'our normal'.
Personally, I'm acutely aware that continuing to run our 'business as usual', during what is a time of great uncertainty and hardship for many in our community is to grossly ignore the current experiences of our extended Sandy Feet family.
Therefore I recently communicated with our mailing list how we as a business intend to move forward in the short term with 40% OFF our entire range, with no end date and no pressure to buy by a certain date. Below is a copy of the update that went to our our subscribers for those of you who may not be on our mailing list.
Importantly we are not going away. It is my intention to push through these times of change and use this as an opportunity to review, adapt and overhaul how we work. Already having the kids at home doing their schooling has made us adapt and change our household routines, with time management now a critical skill. Moving forward we need to consider things like what does a photo shoot of our new range look like for example, in a time when getting a big group of children and adults together at the beach is not an option. Things are going to be 'normal' again, but they may not be the 'normal' we remember.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact me at any time, I'd love to hear from you.